Comment history with hypnotique
Displaying 21 - 40 of 80 comments
My Backgrounds cooler!!!!!!!!!!! :P
Thanks for the idea of the flashing rainbow :D
O.K. Call soon cause I'm getting a new number, I may not post it up.
Haha, yeah, it is, I talked to Dee the other night for about an hour and a half when she called it the other night. :P
BTW i always have wondered if that really was your real phone number.
yeeah thats why im wating a month before i accept the position.I need to catch up on all the drama
Yeah, that wouldn't be so bad, but you've become so out of touch with cb, sadly :(
I miss staff.
But at this time the best I can do is be a mentor.
Oy oy oy naughty naughty.But ive done worse lol allowing trolling to go on so yeah
you'll hate me for it, but I told tung what was going on while he was applying for staff. Therefore, leaking backstage/boardroom info.
I see that. haha. well, currently, I'm headstaff, just on suspension for a month or more. I'll be back on staff soon though.
Hope to see you around a lot more :)
hm, I don't know where mine was made. :/ it's a dell. Maybe the plastics in china, then assembled in India. >.< You should come down to FL when Dee comes down, then we can have a big get together. It sucks that so many people on cB live over in Californina. wtf up with that? lol
It just went out since my laptop was made in china lmao.
Well no actually its a few years old.I may need to get a new battery.
How'd it die? Mine tells me, "You've got 20 mins, 15, 10, 5, 2, 1, cliiiiickbeep!"